Orders will be delivered to the address that appears on your order within a reasonable time from the completion of the production and the quality checks.
Orders are usually shipped within 7 Business Days from the date of confirmation of full payment; however, there may be delays due to external factors. The time of delivery can vary depending on the destination. Please note that additional local taxes may be applied to shipments to locations outside of the United States.
Your Address
It is important that you enter your address correctly. If the shipment is addressed to a commercial entity (e.g., an office or a hotel), please make sure to indicate that your order is to be delivered to the commercial entity that is located at such address. Failure to input any part of your address will cause delays in shipments and increase the costs of the purchased Products. We will not refund or exchange products that were shipped to an inaccurate address as a result of missing or wrong details.
It is also your responsibility to make arrangements (such as notifying a neighbor) to accept delivery on or a reasonable period after the estimated delivery time and the Products will be your responsibility from the time of delivery (or tendered delivery). We will not be responsible for any delays caused by customs clearance nor for any duties charges or fees payable on the export or import of any Products, which will be your responsibility.
Shipping Times
The shipping time depends on your location, but can be estimated as follows:
FREE tracked US shipping (7-14 business days)
We offer FREE shipping on all USA, Canada and UK orders.
For other countries we charge the following flat rate shipping fees (prices in local currency):
Rest of World: $35
We may offer express service from time to time – please see specific terms on offer. Upgrading your shipment does not infer overnight delivery.
Additional Terms
We shall not be liable for delays in shipment due to faults of the carrier, and therefore these delays will not result in a refund of shipment cost, however, we will make reasonable efforts to assist you with such delays in a timely manner.
We will provide you with the estimated time of delivery when you place an order and may further adjust it after you approve the online proofing of your painting. Delivery times are based on estimation only and exclude the production and verification stages.
Shipping claims should be raised within 30 days from the date of the shipping.
For any further details, please refer to our Purchase Policy.